after market order

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The Indian Stock Market is up and running on all weekdays for
  • Equity segment, from 9:00am – 3:30pm
  • F&O segment, from 9:15am – 3:30pm
  • Currency segment, from 9:00am – 5:00 pm
  • Commodity segment, from 09:00AM TO 11:30PM / 09:00AM TO 11:55PM [on account of change in US daylight saving timings]
There are many of you that cannot participate in the markets during these hours for various reasons, the most common being attending to your primary profession or your day job. Fret not, the Jini has answered your wishes, because now, thanks to the AMO feature, you will never miss a trading opportunity ever again.

What is an After Market order?

AMO is an advance order that allows traders to place buy/sell orders after regular market hours. In other words, an AMO is similar to a normal order with the exception that it is placed after regular market hours.

An AMO for different segments have set time slots for it to be considered as valid, and they are

Products AMO slots
Equity spot/cash Market 4:00pm to 8:59am
Equity F&O Market 4:00pm to 9:14am
Currency F&O Market 4:00pm to 8:59am
Commodity Futures Market 12:00am to 8:59am

By now you probably have an understanding of what an AMO is, but you are probably wondering “If I place an AMO today, when exactly does it get pushed to the market?”

An AMO is pushed the next day after the market opens.

Read that again.

It is extremely important to note that all AMOs would be pushed to the next trading day. Refer below table for segment-wise timings.

Product Time
Equity spot/cash Market 9:00 am
Equity F&O Market 9:15 am
Currency F&O Market 9:00 am
Commodity Futures Market 9:00am

Clear? Let’s move on…

Why use AMO? How does it help me?

This handy feature provided by Tradejini works greatly for individual traders who are often unable to conduct their trades during regular market hours.

Additionally, since the price of an instrument remains static during the after-market hours, an individual can perform a detailed analysis to make his/her decision.

With AMO’s, you will never miss an opportunity to trade, all your orders will be pushed at market open and this shall also benefit you from the initial market opening price.

Isn’t that great?… Not really?… Check this…

  • AMO’s can be placed on all products and on all exchanges.
  • You can also utilize margin provided on all AMO intraday orders.
  • No Internet? No problem.. You can also use the “Call and trade” facility provided by Tradejini to place your AMOs.
How to place an After Market Order (AMO)
Option 1 – From the Menu Bar,

Open Nest Trader, On the Menu Bar, → Click on “Orders and Trades” tab → Select “After Market Order” →  Select either Buy/Sell/Basket Order → Enter details → Click “Submit”

Option 2 –  Using Shortcut Keys

Open Nest Trader →

  1. Select “Script” from market watch → press the shortcut key “CTRL + F1” for a buy AMO → enter details → click “Submit”.
  2. Select “Script” from market watch → press the shortcut key “CTRL + F2” for a sell AMO → enter details → click “Submit”.
  3. Press the shortcut key “ALT + SHIFT + O” for a Basket AMO → enter orders → click “Place”.
Modifying and Exiting an After Market Order (AMO)

All AMO’s placed can be modified or exited via Order Book. To Modify or Exit an AMO, open Order book by using either the shortcut key (F3) or click on “View Orders and Trades” button on the menu bar → Select “Order Book”.

Watch the video below on placing an After Market Order (AMO) on Nest trader.

Noteworthy points about After Market Orders

  • Smart orders like Bracket Order and Cover order are not valid under AMOs.
  • AMO’s are not valid during regular market hours. Similarly, normal orders are not valid after market closing.

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